Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bringing Down the Mosque

It doesn't have anything to do with Immolation's Bringing Down the World Tour but somehow I couldn't help but let that sense resonate within me. Honestly, the boundary that sets the difference between good and evil has been blurred since Syria is infested with rebels, or should I say, U.S.-sponsored-terrorists. The so called 'Free Syrian Army' has actually made the country a prison for the innocents. The White House says FSA has been infiltrated by radical elements within the group and as such, they are the ones to be blamed for alleged human right violation in Syria. What do I think? Well it is obvious that they are not just being infiltrated; they are the radicals themselves! Don't you guys see? American government created enemy that doesn't exist at the first place that is Al Qaeda. This is confirmed by ex-CIA Officer on Bin Laden Unit Michael Scheuer [sic?].

Now I'm not trying to appeal to a wrong authority here but this guy is legit. Scheuer also explains how the American people have failed to realise that their government is fighting a religious war. Well, to put in perspective, why did the White House not give a rat's ass about human rights violation in Sri Lanka where Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam went on rampage and killing innocent people there? You can read on various articles on the web and see the graphic images of people being mutilated; all are equally as terrorising as any acts of terrorism across the globe. But U.S. didn't bother to intervene, right? Why? Obviously the White House has no interest in such a country. Plus, the LTTE aren't Muslims but a group of well organised, well armed Tamil extremists. Hell, the LTTE terrorists have even tried to attack the Sri Lankan offices the 9/11 style using explosives laden airplanes. However, when it comes to the Middle East, everybody is glued to their TV screen while major news corporation networks shoved a pile of trash down the people's throats. Obviously, LTTE doesn't pose a threat to U.S. but what they do is nothing short of violating the human rights. If that's the way it is for Sri Lanka, why can't the White House sit tight and let the Middle East handle themselves? Oh right, yeah the Muslims are going to attack the Americans even more if we do not take a preemptive measure to demolish their threats. Yeah right they attack the Americans because they have booze, they have Brazzers all over the place, women are in the workplace and out in the open wearing sexy dresses (or not wearing enough of anything lol), they hate democracy bla bla bla. If those are the reasons, would it not be absurd even for a regular Muslim to strap 50 lbs of pentaerythritol tetranitrate to his body and then walk into Walmart and blow himself up? Really? To kill himself and other Americans because of those things? I personally don't give a fuck about how the American people live their daily lives. In fact, never crossed my mind that they should be killed because they are freer than us. What a joke! And to say that it is our (U.S. government) responsibility to make you (Muslims) understand about our foreign policy is both ignorant and arrogant. Go to YouTube and search for a 23-minute interview with Michael Scheuer where he explains a lot about these stuffs. If something makes sense then it has the credibility to be believed.

It's all logical. I mean, let's face it, U.S. major concern in the Middle East is largely motivated by oil. Second, the White House and all of its sycophantic suck-ups do not want to see a prosperous Middle East governed by Muslim leaders who do not go by their rules. Look at what happened in Iraq; before the fall of Saddam, there aren't many suicide bombings in that country but now, a place where Arabian Nights originated has become the Arabian Nightmares. Some also said and it was also mentioned on RT that Gadaffi was killed because he wanted to make gold dinar as the primary currency of Middle East and African countries. This means that European and Western nations can no longer bully the African Arab nations with debts. In fact, at one point during Gaddafi's reign, Libya was absolutely debt free because the country is so self sufficient it needed not financial aid from foreign governments.

So, back to FSA. Now, if they are fighting for freedom, human rights and democracy, that is fine. But what not fine is when they start killing innocent people and staging false flag operations to demonise Assad regime even further. I'm not actually supporting Assad. No I don't. Nevertheless, if he is guilty for the crimes he did commit, let him and his followers have a fair trial. That, people, is the higher state of human civilisation where we deal with dictatorial atrocities based on solid international laws without taking them into the wrong hands. Then again, my vision of what is supposed to be done is almost utopian. We won't be able to see that anywhere in any time soon I doubt that we will. I'm just gonna sit and watch, and follow the next development of this seemingly endless wars being fought in the name of freedom, in the name of democracy, and in the name of God.

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