Sunday, December 23, 2012

Memories Long Gone Unearthed

Today I have scanned three items that have been in my possession since 2006. When I went to high school about 6 years ago, the fun I once knew has been steadily decreasing ever since. Life is shit from that point onwards. Nevertheless, there are times where I would look back and muse at some things that we as students did to fill up the little time we have. Along the way, I made a few friends and two enemies. Yes. Two enemies. Both of whom are assholes in my blasphemous opinion. My little friends are mostly good and nice people who enjoy their hobbies such as soccer, playing video games (duh!) and music and of course girls and porn (LoL). I remember being acquainted with this petite, bespectacled lady by the name Nurra. During our stint at high school, she regularly hangs out with us guys and she's kinda cute actually. Plus, she's hell a lot smarter than us (ha ha). Of course, we respect each other and our friendship is more like a family at that time. At one point, I escorted her to the washroom when her 'moon blood' gets a bit out of control, and she's grateful for that. This girl loves bugs and insects a lot, especially the huge ones such as cicada; just the kind of critter I despised the most lol!

One day, we are having final exams. As usual, friends will wish each other the best. Nurra being one of our clan members gave my friend and I a note. More like a good luck charm it seems. After the exams are over, we never see each other ever again. I think she must have gone overseas as I got into university to do my degree. Here's the note that she gave us (she gave to me actually and I keep it to this very day):

It's just only 6 years since she first gave us this note but already the paper looks quite ancient
Time passes by so quickly, leaving behind all the excesses that are unnecessary to our progress. Yet, we sometime find solace amidst the cluttering mess within our minds. This note has quite a sentimental value to it, a constant reminder of how life used to be so simple and how careless we were back then in dealing with certain things. As we move forward, there are times when our thoughts anchored to reminisce about the good old days. Days that are gone and will never come back. I don't know where she is now but I am positive that she's somewhere out there with her beloved friends and family. Nurra, if you are reading this, I hope you still remember us, your comrades of darkness.

Now we skip backward even further to 2001. Among friends, I am known to be very fond of the early millennial periods. It is the time where the word fun truly lives up to its definition. We have our huge Playstation and invite friends to come over and play games such as Tekken 3, Resident Evil 2 and Nemesis, Tony Hawk Pro Skaters (our favorite being THPS 2 and 3), Dino Crisis, Driver 2, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill; the list just goes on and on. Not to mention the ever memorable Digimon. A friend bought its strategy guide in order to get the most powerful creature on his device. Then come Pokemon. This ridiculously fun RPG is a must-have for all of us back then. My dad bought me a GameBoy Pocket in 2000. With that in hand, I asked a friend to lend me his Pokemon Red and Blue cartridges. The resultant journey to capture all 151 Pokemon never falls short of joy. We would stay up all night with torchlight in hand playing GameBoy in bed and wake up the next morning feeling groggy. It just doesn't stop there; we would buy as many Pokeman trading cards as we could to complete our collection. To add to that, we then have YoYo around the school. Everyone wants one! The most famous brand at that time is Duncan. I remember hitting my nose with it as I tried to show off a few tricks to my classmates. Airgun is also another fad that used to hit our schools but since it is quite risky a toy, we only engage in a shootout after school (lol!).

If I'm not mistaken, I first learned about computer and internet around those times, especially in 2001 although I already have played some stupid drawings on Windows 95 in which I have no idea what I was doing with it. For most Bruneians, the name NetCom is no alien. Everyone knows that is one of the cybercafes that is frequented by teens and adults to play Counter Strike or chatting with MIRC or simply watching porn online (in which I did just the same too). Yesterday I found this small laminated card in my room. It's my NetCom membership card dating back to 2001! I bet a lot of NetCome goers my age have lost it by now.

Front. Personal details are obviously blanked out.
Back. Absolute classic
So those two images pretty much summed up my reflection. Not that it means anything though but like I said, it's a reminder of how my life was at that time. Now, I'm on the move in search of something worthwhile. Something that may shape my future as we speak.

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