Wednesday, December 05, 2012


Hello everyone!

I haven't checked this blog for weeks. There are things that keep me occupied throughout my absence. They're not particularly important but regular chores and all. So a person leaves a comment here on the post below and says Mediafire has blocked access to files that I have uploaded. So yeah I did check my account and it says that I have now reached the maximum number of archives upload allowed for a free account. As you all know, I can't afford to get me the premium deal since I have no means to make the purchase.

In this case, it looks like all uploading activity will be suspended until this issue is resolved. I would like to thank everyone, everyone who has been following this blog and downloading stuffs that I generously shared with you lot. As a matter of fact, this blog is not just about music and entertainment; it is also my personal field of expression. Therefore, I'm just going to focus on posting random topics which might interest you people. Or basically anyone who happens to land here.

Again, I am deeply sorry for this inconvenience. In this world, nothing comes for free; you and I both know that. Demon Entrails may be the last upload I'll ever do for now.


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