Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21 2012 and Still Alive, Like a Boss!

Aww yeah! Who among you have fallen to this whole 2012-end-of-the-world shit? Oh boy.. I guess those people are deeply embarrassed by now. Yes. Nothing happened; no planet X (Nibiru), no aliens, no pole shift, no planetary alignment, all shit! That's right. I personally don't buy this apocalyptic trash from day one because one thing for sure, the knowledge about the exact moment of Judgement Day is exclusive only to God. Even the prophets before us such as Isa alaihissalam and Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wassalam said the knowledge about the Hour was never theirs to know. Now, just because we live in a modern world with amazing technology it does not warrant us to actually pinpoint the exact time of apocalypse. Nobody knows. However, one thing for sure though, we already see hell a lot of the signs preceding the coming end. Based on Islamic perspective, the signs include an increase in flagrant disregard for human lives, global interfaith war (masked by politically correct war-mongers as 'the clash of civilisation'), alarming frequencies of natural disasters (some believed they are engineered by the elite using High Altitude Auroral Research Program), lies are celebrated while truths are constantly oppressed, religion (Islam) is no longer practiced as many people are born Muslims but could hardly read and understand even memorise the Al Quran, abundance of music and female singers (ouch!), promiscuous sexual encounters are made legal and everyone wants to do it even in public and so on. Those are considered the first stage or minor signs, majority of which are already happening as we speak. What are the major signs then?

Well, the major signs include the rise of Al Masih Dajjal (known in the West as the Antichrist) and he is said to emerge from the land of Israel. Second major event is the descent of Isa alaihissalam (Jesus) in Iran. From what I read, Isa will come down to Earth as he rested both his palms each on the wings of two angels. His return will be glorious. He is tasked by Allah to break the crucifixes, abolish poll-tax and exterminate pigs. I however find the last task to be quite ambiguous; whether Jesus will actually kill the animal, or is it a metaphor for something else. The coming of Jesus is also accompanied by Imam Mahdi; the last and final descendant of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wassalam. He will lead an army to engage in mortal combat against the blasphemous forces of the Antichrist. This war will be ugly for Dajjal is privileged to utilise all the knowledge and technology he learned during his aeons of hiding and use them against the Mahdi Army. However, as most Muslims know, the Antichrist shall dissolve like salt being poured on the ground upon seeing Isa alaihissalam. After the triumphant victory, Jesus will rule the Earth for 40 years. All things will live in harmony; once ferocious beasts such as lions and tigers will cuddle together with children, and no harm will come to them.

There are more signs aside from what I have written but I only explain some of them here. One of them that worries a lot of Muslims who still reveled in their debaucherous life is when the sun rises from the West. This massive galactic event signals the end of forgiveness offered by Allah as He shall no longer accept repentance beyond that point. So it is a reminder to all Muslims and myself included to always live our life accordingly and never forget to repent for the sins we've committed, no matter how big and small they might be. As for this whole 2012 apocalyptic craze, we Muslims have never worried about it because like most of us can understand, the wisdom about Yaumul Qiamat rests within His knowledge.

Also a good read for you Malay speakers:

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