Saturday, December 08, 2012

Crime Time: Revelation?

Last night we received the news of five most wanted fugitives on the run in Brunei. I managed to ask the legitimacy of this nation-wide manhunt; what causes them to be hot on the crosshairs of local law enforcement agency, namely Royal Brunei Police Force. An agent working on the inside has relayed some information that I find quite hard to believe.

The agent working for the force says that five most wanted are not actually wanted at all; friends of theirs took photographs of them as part of a hoax. It is intended, according to the anonymous agent, to make the five looks as if they are actually criminals on the run. Therefore, Royal Brunei Police Force are actually not looking for these five individuals but instead they are searching for the people responsible for staging the hoax at the first place. For all intent and purposes, all five of them have not been charged with any crime.

How far does the truth go? We cannot know for sure. However, the constant press censorship has prevented the public from learning the truth. This agent that I spoke to has been with the force for a decade and as such, his credibility is somewhat significant. On the other hand, people have speculated that the state-wide roadblocks are set up to capture the supposed crime doers. The agent claims that such speculations are baseless plain and simple.

So, what is really going on? Is the story a cover up for a much larger conspiracy? Or is it just another pacification to silence the curious minds? Whatever the speculation is, one thing remains clear that these five individuals have earned themselves some national fame. People talk about them on social media, particularly on Facebook where discussions are often interspersed with contemptuous remarks, sheer ignorance, or simply self-righteous statements to prove who knows what and who knows who.

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