Saturday, December 08, 2012

AGLAOPHOTIS Page Was Successfully Setup

In our attempt to step up the effort in launching mass terrorism, a recently created page dedicated to our militant establishment is now up and running. Through this page, we will post news and announcements about Aglaophotis. We have been waiting for four years since 2008, to produce weapons of mass destruction that will flatten your head and render your nations inhabitable.

Also, Terkutuk Segala Qhaaffirr is now the official member of Aglaophotis. He will then undergo basic drumming exercises while the existing duo manufacture their weapons. Terkutuk has generously offered to fund Aglaophotis debut terror attack in the coming anno 2013. Negotiation is yet to take place since each militant member is busy with their commitments.

Aglaophotis described their music as 'militant blackened death metal'. They are rivaled by another faction known as Ormentzera. Terkutuk was the military strategic adviser for Ormentzera prior to the recording session. He has since defected from the movement and now, Terkutuk is the new defense secretary of Aglaophotis. This defection is motivated by the diplomatic ties between Ares and Terkutuk that dated back to pre-Aglaophotis era; Dark Verministry. Our new fighter is a right wing extremist who is a strong advocate for national socialism. However, we as a band neither agree nor disagree with his beliefs.

Aglaophotis official Facebook:

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