Monday, December 24, 2012

The Coming of World War III

Hello there people! It's just a few minutes left before I turn 25 this Christmas. I decided to share something with you lot and I hope will spread this video across the net like a wildfire. Yes. It's about the most talked about topic of today; World War III. A lot of people out there truly believe that Iran is indeed a threat to global peace. What about you? Do support the same propaganda perpetrated by Federal Reserves crime families and their tool Obama administration? Whatever you think, you need to watch the following video.

While you're at it. Watch the next news report.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Memories Long Gone Unearthed

Today I have scanned three items that have been in my possession since 2006. When I went to high school about 6 years ago, the fun I once knew has been steadily decreasing ever since. Life is shit from that point onwards. Nevertheless, there are times where I would look back and muse at some things that we as students did to fill up the little time we have. Along the way, I made a few friends and two enemies. Yes. Two enemies. Both of whom are assholes in my blasphemous opinion. My little friends are mostly good and nice people who enjoy their hobbies such as soccer, playing video games (duh!) and music and of course girls and porn (LoL). I remember being acquainted with this petite, bespectacled lady by the name Nurra. During our stint at high school, she regularly hangs out with us guys and she's kinda cute actually. Plus, she's hell a lot smarter than us (ha ha). Of course, we respect each other and our friendship is more like a family at that time. At one point, I escorted her to the washroom when her 'moon blood' gets a bit out of control, and she's grateful for that. This girl loves bugs and insects a lot, especially the huge ones such as cicada; just the kind of critter I despised the most lol!

One day, we are having final exams. As usual, friends will wish each other the best. Nurra being one of our clan members gave my friend and I a note. More like a good luck charm it seems. After the exams are over, we never see each other ever again. I think she must have gone overseas as I got into university to do my degree. Here's the note that she gave us (she gave to me actually and I keep it to this very day):

It's just only 6 years since she first gave us this note but already the paper looks quite ancient
Time passes by so quickly, leaving behind all the excesses that are unnecessary to our progress. Yet, we sometime find solace amidst the cluttering mess within our minds. This note has quite a sentimental value to it, a constant reminder of how life used to be so simple and how careless we were back then in dealing with certain things. As we move forward, there are times when our thoughts anchored to reminisce about the good old days. Days that are gone and will never come back. I don't know where she is now but I am positive that she's somewhere out there with her beloved friends and family. Nurra, if you are reading this, I hope you still remember us, your comrades of darkness.

Now we skip backward even further to 2001. Among friends, I am known to be very fond of the early millennial periods. It is the time where the word fun truly lives up to its definition. We have our huge Playstation and invite friends to come over and play games such as Tekken 3, Resident Evil 2 and Nemesis, Tony Hawk Pro Skaters (our favorite being THPS 2 and 3), Dino Crisis, Driver 2, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill; the list just goes on and on. Not to mention the ever memorable Digimon. A friend bought its strategy guide in order to get the most powerful creature on his device. Then come Pokemon. This ridiculously fun RPG is a must-have for all of us back then. My dad bought me a GameBoy Pocket in 2000. With that in hand, I asked a friend to lend me his Pokemon Red and Blue cartridges. The resultant journey to capture all 151 Pokemon never falls short of joy. We would stay up all night with torchlight in hand playing GameBoy in bed and wake up the next morning feeling groggy. It just doesn't stop there; we would buy as many Pokeman trading cards as we could to complete our collection. To add to that, we then have YoYo around the school. Everyone wants one! The most famous brand at that time is Duncan. I remember hitting my nose with it as I tried to show off a few tricks to my classmates. Airgun is also another fad that used to hit our schools but since it is quite risky a toy, we only engage in a shootout after school (lol!).

If I'm not mistaken, I first learned about computer and internet around those times, especially in 2001 although I already have played some stupid drawings on Windows 95 in which I have no idea what I was doing with it. For most Bruneians, the name NetCom is no alien. Everyone knows that is one of the cybercafes that is frequented by teens and adults to play Counter Strike or chatting with MIRC or simply watching porn online (in which I did just the same too). Yesterday I found this small laminated card in my room. It's my NetCom membership card dating back to 2001! I bet a lot of NetCome goers my age have lost it by now.

Front. Personal details are obviously blanked out.
Back. Absolute classic
So those two images pretty much summed up my reflection. Not that it means anything though but like I said, it's a reminder of how my life was at that time. Now, I'm on the move in search of something worthwhile. Something that may shape my future as we speak.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Lucio Fulci - (1980) Paura Nella Città dei Morti Viventi [Intestinal Vomit]

I bet some of you guys have watched this film; Fear in the City of the Living Dead by Lucio Fulci. This 1980 supernatural zombie flick deals with the opening of one of seven gates of hell which is triggered when a priest committed suicide by hanging. This event has caused zombies to enter the human world. They possessed superhuman strength, teleportation ability and levitation. A small village is being terrorised by horde of the undead. A psychic and a reporter must work fast to close the gate before All Saints Day or else the dead will consume the living for eternity.

One of the most unforgettable moments in this film is the intestine purging scene where actress Daniela Doria pukes her guts out as she weeps bloody tears upon being lethally hypnotised by the zombified priest. For those of you who haven't watched this film, I strongly suggest you do whatever necessary to get a copy of it. This is one trve kvlt zombie film you do not want to miss!

Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21 2012 and Still Alive, Like a Boss!

Aww yeah! Who among you have fallen to this whole 2012-end-of-the-world shit? Oh boy.. I guess those people are deeply embarrassed by now. Yes. Nothing happened; no planet X (Nibiru), no aliens, no pole shift, no planetary alignment, all shit! That's right. I personally don't buy this apocalyptic trash from day one because one thing for sure, the knowledge about the exact moment of Judgement Day is exclusive only to God. Even the prophets before us such as Isa alaihissalam and Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wassalam said the knowledge about the Hour was never theirs to know. Now, just because we live in a modern world with amazing technology it does not warrant us to actually pinpoint the exact time of apocalypse. Nobody knows. However, one thing for sure though, we already see hell a lot of the signs preceding the coming end. Based on Islamic perspective, the signs include an increase in flagrant disregard for human lives, global interfaith war (masked by politically correct war-mongers as 'the clash of civilisation'), alarming frequencies of natural disasters (some believed they are engineered by the elite using High Altitude Auroral Research Program), lies are celebrated while truths are constantly oppressed, religion (Islam) is no longer practiced as many people are born Muslims but could hardly read and understand even memorise the Al Quran, abundance of music and female singers (ouch!), promiscuous sexual encounters are made legal and everyone wants to do it even in public and so on. Those are considered the first stage or minor signs, majority of which are already happening as we speak. What are the major signs then?

Well, the major signs include the rise of Al Masih Dajjal (known in the West as the Antichrist) and he is said to emerge from the land of Israel. Second major event is the descent of Isa alaihissalam (Jesus) in Iran. From what I read, Isa will come down to Earth as he rested both his palms each on the wings of two angels. His return will be glorious. He is tasked by Allah to break the crucifixes, abolish poll-tax and exterminate pigs. I however find the last task to be quite ambiguous; whether Jesus will actually kill the animal, or is it a metaphor for something else. The coming of Jesus is also accompanied by Imam Mahdi; the last and final descendant of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wassalam. He will lead an army to engage in mortal combat against the blasphemous forces of the Antichrist. This war will be ugly for Dajjal is privileged to utilise all the knowledge and technology he learned during his aeons of hiding and use them against the Mahdi Army. However, as most Muslims know, the Antichrist shall dissolve like salt being poured on the ground upon seeing Isa alaihissalam. After the triumphant victory, Jesus will rule the Earth for 40 years. All things will live in harmony; once ferocious beasts such as lions and tigers will cuddle together with children, and no harm will come to them.

There are more signs aside from what I have written but I only explain some of them here. One of them that worries a lot of Muslims who still reveled in their debaucherous life is when the sun rises from the West. This massive galactic event signals the end of forgiveness offered by Allah as He shall no longer accept repentance beyond that point. So it is a reminder to all Muslims and myself included to always live our life accordingly and never forget to repent for the sins we've committed, no matter how big and small they might be. As for this whole 2012 apocalyptic craze, we Muslims have never worried about it because like most of us can understand, the wisdom about Yaumul Qiamat rests within His knowledge.

Also a good read for you Malay speakers:

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

When Free Syrian Army Went Rampage

Have you all watched a film called Rampage? It's psycho thriller film directed by the infamous jinx Uwe Boll. In that film, the antagonist (played by Brendan Fletcher) engineered a van bomb that is to be commandeered by means of remote control. He loaded the van with huge amount of explosives and maneuvered the vehicle remotely into a police station. Seconds later, he pushes the button and the van goes booom!! Pretty cool huh?

I came across this clip on LiveLeak showing a band of Free Syrian Army terrorists making a car bomb. The beat up sedan is also heavily modified with pneumatic and mechanical devices that are operated by remote control. They certainly have the means and brains to do that. That is why it reminds me a lot of Uwe Boll's Rampage. It seems that the Syrian uprising is entering a whole new dimension of guerrilla warfare. I took the time to re-cut and upscale the video for YouTube.

Aristide Massaccesi - (1979) Buio Omega [Erotic Lactation Scene]

Just downloaded this film around 24 hours ago. I'm beginning to have a consuming devotion on classic European horror films. What fascinates me the most is the over the top gore and unabashed sexual perversion that each filmmaker presented in their masterpiece. Most of you are already familiar with the works of Dario Argento (notable films include Deep Red and Suspiria) as well as Lucio Fulci (Zombi 2, E tu Vivrai Nel Terrore! L'aldilà a,k.a. The Beyond). As for Buio Omega, it is directed by Aristide Massaccesi who is better known by his nickname Joe D'Amato. He has also directed other notable cult titles such as Antropophagus; a story about a group of people being stalked, killed and eaten by a deranged cannibal.

So, out of boredom, I've uploaded this particular scene to YouTube. Just for old time's sake.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Dear Country

Ah.. you know, just the type of people and activities that we Bruneians do during our spare time. Before you make ignorant assumptions about us, watch the video and see for yourself. We are as civilised as any other nations on Earth. What makes it so special is that being a Muslim country, we are allowed to enjoy our hobbies too. Just don't break the laws and you'll do fine. I've heard a lot of misconceptions about us Bruneians and the country. Some even thought that we are tribal society who live in the jungle with loincloth hanging around our waist. LoL!!! A lot of people in my country are capable English speakers but of course some are vehemently against the use of foreign language. Can't really call them ultra conservative because a lot of these folks know no shit about politics.

CCTV Footage of Breivik Van Explosion

Yup. Another one of those white-supremacists whose Islamophobic views have led him to kill his own people. This video is taken from LiveLeak and it shows moments before and after the detonation. A lot of like minded people hailed him as a hero, while others see him as just another disgruntled, xenophobic homegrown terrorist. The attack took place on July 22 2011 in two locations; Oslo and Utøya.

Bringing Down the Mosque

It doesn't have anything to do with Immolation's Bringing Down the World Tour but somehow I couldn't help but let that sense resonate within me. Honestly, the boundary that sets the difference between good and evil has been blurred since Syria is infested with rebels, or should I say, U.S.-sponsored-terrorists. The so called 'Free Syrian Army' has actually made the country a prison for the innocents. The White House says FSA has been infiltrated by radical elements within the group and as such, they are the ones to be blamed for alleged human right violation in Syria. What do I think? Well it is obvious that they are not just being infiltrated; they are the radicals themselves! Don't you guys see? American government created enemy that doesn't exist at the first place that is Al Qaeda. This is confirmed by ex-CIA Officer on Bin Laden Unit Michael Scheuer [sic?].

Now I'm not trying to appeal to a wrong authority here but this guy is legit. Scheuer also explains how the American people have failed to realise that their government is fighting a religious war. Well, to put in perspective, why did the White House not give a rat's ass about human rights violation in Sri Lanka where Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam went on rampage and killing innocent people there? You can read on various articles on the web and see the graphic images of people being mutilated; all are equally as terrorising as any acts of terrorism across the globe. But U.S. didn't bother to intervene, right? Why? Obviously the White House has no interest in such a country. Plus, the LTTE aren't Muslims but a group of well organised, well armed Tamil extremists. Hell, the LTTE terrorists have even tried to attack the Sri Lankan offices the 9/11 style using explosives laden airplanes. However, when it comes to the Middle East, everybody is glued to their TV screen while major news corporation networks shoved a pile of trash down the people's throats. Obviously, LTTE doesn't pose a threat to U.S. but what they do is nothing short of violating the human rights. If that's the way it is for Sri Lanka, why can't the White House sit tight and let the Middle East handle themselves? Oh right, yeah the Muslims are going to attack the Americans even more if we do not take a preemptive measure to demolish their threats. Yeah right they attack the Americans because they have booze, they have Brazzers all over the place, women are in the workplace and out in the open wearing sexy dresses (or not wearing enough of anything lol), they hate democracy bla bla bla. If those are the reasons, would it not be absurd even for a regular Muslim to strap 50 lbs of pentaerythritol tetranitrate to his body and then walk into Walmart and blow himself up? Really? To kill himself and other Americans because of those things? I personally don't give a fuck about how the American people live their daily lives. In fact, never crossed my mind that they should be killed because they are freer than us. What a joke! And to say that it is our (U.S. government) responsibility to make you (Muslims) understand about our foreign policy is both ignorant and arrogant. Go to YouTube and search for a 23-minute interview with Michael Scheuer where he explains a lot about these stuffs. If something makes sense then it has the credibility to be believed.

It's all logical. I mean, let's face it, U.S. major concern in the Middle East is largely motivated by oil. Second, the White House and all of its sycophantic suck-ups do not want to see a prosperous Middle East governed by Muslim leaders who do not go by their rules. Look at what happened in Iraq; before the fall of Saddam, there aren't many suicide bombings in that country but now, a place where Arabian Nights originated has become the Arabian Nightmares. Some also said and it was also mentioned on RT that Gadaffi was killed because he wanted to make gold dinar as the primary currency of Middle East and African countries. This means that European and Western nations can no longer bully the African Arab nations with debts. In fact, at one point during Gaddafi's reign, Libya was absolutely debt free because the country is so self sufficient it needed not financial aid from foreign governments.

So, back to FSA. Now, if they are fighting for freedom, human rights and democracy, that is fine. But what not fine is when they start killing innocent people and staging false flag operations to demonise Assad regime even further. I'm not actually supporting Assad. No I don't. Nevertheless, if he is guilty for the crimes he did commit, let him and his followers have a fair trial. That, people, is the higher state of human civilisation where we deal with dictatorial atrocities based on solid international laws without taking them into the wrong hands. Then again, my vision of what is supposed to be done is almost utopian. We won't be able to see that anywhere in any time soon I doubt that we will. I'm just gonna sit and watch, and follow the next development of this seemingly endless wars being fought in the name of freedom, in the name of democracy, and in the name of God.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christopher Nolan - (2012) The Dark Knight Rises [Review]

Yep. Christopher Nolan finally closes the deal with The Dark Knight Rises. I know, I know; I'm not really a Batman fanboy so I don't know a lot about the actual story as it is written in the comic series. Nevertheless, Nolan's representation of Batman is pure genius; the cast and crews are outstanding while the plot is breathtakingly engaging like the two previous entries in the trilogy.

Bruce Wayne, the billionaire orphan, whose alter-ego has cost him to be hunted down by Gotham police, is now retiring in his mansion. However, a new fire rises from the depth and it is ever-raging to consume Gotham City until it leaves nothing but ashes in its wake. Here we have Selina Kyle, an equally capable master thief who has earned herself tonnes of criminal records and now she decides to erase her decadent past, and start afresh. In light of recent events, Commissioner Gordon refuses to reveal the truth about circumstances surrounding Harvey Dent's death. Bane, the excommunicated member of League of Shadows makes his public appearance with one thing in mind; destroy Gotham City. Thanks to Bane and his band of mercenaries, Bruce Wayne is declared bankrupt and all his stock exchange implodes and as such Fox decides to bring Miranda Tate as the new manager for Wayne Enterprise energy division.

Things quickly get out of control; Gordon is hospitalised the rest of the police force is torn between catching Batman or Bane's loyalists. Alfred leaves Bruce Wayne after he reveals the truth about Rachel's choice of choosing Dent over Bruce, and that Alfred burnt the letter to spare him the pain. At the same time, the stock exchange crash is perpetrated by John Dagget, an executive member of Wayne Enterprise who has always been wanted to own the company to himself. With Selina's help, Bruce fingerprints are needed to complete the bankruptcy process. It is this moment when both Batman and Bane make a show; Bane and his soldiers infiltrated every part of the city including Wayne secret Applied Science Division. The meeting between Bane and Batman is a trap set up by Selina so she can get Bane's fighters off her back. Batman loses the fight and his back is effortlessly broken by Bane, which then allows him to be imprisoned in a hellhole somewhere; a place where Bane comes from. With Gotham police force launching city wide search for the criminals under pretense of routine exercise, a network of deadly traps has been set in place while police are heading into the city tunnels. Blake, who has been a friend of Wayne since childhood knows who Batman is and he is relaying information to now hospitalised Gordon. Blake then goes to investigate the connection between the tunnels and Bane, only to realise that the construction workers are actually a bunch of crooks hired by Bane to plant explosives throughout key areas of the city. When the Superbowl game begins, Bane detonates the explosives, killing dozens of people including Gotham mayor while trapping thousands of police officers beneath the rubble. The explosives also cut off the main exit routes from the city, preventing locals from escaping. Bruce Wayne, now beaten and broken, watches the attack helplessly from his prison cell. Angered, he works hard to recover with the help of fellow inmates who also reveals Bane's origin; a warlord daughter falls in love with one of his mercenaries. They secretly marry. The warlord finds out about their secret and the mercenary is thrown into the prison. Somehow, he is released and then banished instead. Little does the mercenary know that his wife pays the price for his freedom and she is condemned to the pit, who by then already has a child with her. Well, prison is where the bad guys are and the mother does not survive the encounter.

Meanwhile, Selina Kyle is put behind bars in connection to the kidnapping of Gotham congressman. Bane reveals the speech that Gordon supposedly reads at Harvey Dent's memorial service. Gordon lies to save himself and his family and put the blame on Batman. All the criminals incarcerated under the Dent Act have been freed in what Bane refers to as 'giving back Gotham to the people'. They are now armed and have become more dangerous than ever, serving as Bane foot soldiers. Crane, the previous drug dealer is now the city's judge, sentencing anyone deemed by the revolution as 'criminals' with death sentence. Chaos devours Gotham City. Lawlessness prevails. People are now under daily threats of terrorism as Bane steals an armed nuclear warhead from Wayne Enterprise which is supposed to be a source of clean energy who has been entrusted to Miranda Tate. At the height of the crisis, Bruce Wayne crawls out of the prison and returns to Gotham, much to Selina's surprise. She agrees to bring Wayne to meet Lucius Fox, where she later frees both of them. Gordon plans to disarm the the nuclear device but there are many decoy trucks carrying empty cargo with no nuclear in them. They are caught in the surveillance process by Bane's mercenaries and received death sentence by Crane. Batman shows up and saves the day and he frees the police who are trapped underground. Bane looks at the blazing monolith of Batman's return in disbelief, telling his soldiers to keep a close eye on Tate.

As morning comes, a war broke out between Bane-led terrorists and the city cops. Batman almost defeats Bane when his mask begins to wear off, causing Bane to limp in pain. While interrogating Bane about who is the actual triggerman for the nuclear warhead, Gordon leaps onto a truck that contains the bomb and places the signal blocker. Miranda Tate stabs Batman with a knife, revealing herself to be Talia Al Ghul, Ras Al Ghul's daughter. She is the child that climbs out of the hellhole and it is Bane who helps her to escape. With this twisted revelation, Talia fails to detonate the bomb. She then pursues the truck to reactivate the device. Bane is about to shoot Batman in the face when Selina fires full force on his chest with Batpod mounted cannon, saving Batman. Realising that Talia has overridden the device, Batman anchors the warhead to his aerial combat vehicle and flies outside the city limit into the ocean, where it finally detonates, forming a giant mushroom cloud. Seemingly, Batman is dead, but not before hinting at Gordon about his real identity.

In the aftermath, Wayne Enterprise is closed down. Alfred weeps during the funeral, regretting his alleged failure to take care of Bruce Wayne. The manor is made to house Gotham orphans. Somewhere in Europe, Alfred sees Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle on  a date and they nod to each other. Finally, Blake inherits the Batcave.

Wow! What a movie, is it not? A friend of mine told me that Nolan's final chapter is destroying the originality of the Batman franchise. I understand his disappointment because he has been reading the comics since childhood. Just like when I gravely disappointed that Paul W.S. Anderson decided to bring Resident Evil to silver screen. What I find interesting about this film is the fact Nolan wants people to feel the realistic nature of Batman. In the past, the live action movies are downright crappy. Not to mention the storyline itself is so mainstream. However, Nolan must have thought abut every single aspect that makes Batman to be so believable to the audience; the idea behind a symbol is that Batman can be anybody. After all, the film downplays the elements of superhuman that characterised Bane as he is portrayed in the comic, making The Dark Knight Rises to be grounded in reality. Whereas the need to be masked is to protect people that Batman cares about, even though he spent most of his time to himself. Fighting crimes often come with a terrible cost; say a police commissioner combating mafia can have his wife and children murdered because the criminals know a person's vulnerability, which is the inability to let someone hurt their loved ones. This is the most painful way to go and this also the choice made by Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight when his sanity collapses thanks to Joker's agitation. Also, Bane character in this film is totally relevant to the current state of the world. Look what happened in the Middle East where countries like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria have been ravaged by coalition forces in the name of democracy. What did Bane say during his public speech? He said that he is a liberator that will give Gotham back to the people, not the corrupt conglomerates. We've heard this before, aren't we? But unlike in this film, those Middle East countries will never see peace in anytime soon and there's no one to stop the NATO-backed terrorists from overturning the ruling government and make a regime change that is friendly to the West.

This film has little to less witty catchphrase compared to the second installment. However, this is compensated by the question of hope, fear and anger. Hope that Gotham citizens need, a hope to live another day, a hope to be freed from these so called liberators. Fear as in Bruce Wayne refusal to see Gotham crumble before his very eyes and fear that he could not do anything to save it. Fear, that will place him a great deal of regret if 12 million Gothamites are reduced to flaky pile of ashes. It's the fear that drives him angry and the anger starts to change the world. Bruce fears not death, but he cares for the people he always tries to protect, the people of Gotham. And this goes back to the hope, where it is the last thing he will ever give to citizens of Gotham City, a hope to live free from fear.

So, in essence, I give this film a strong 9.5 out 10 for creative storyline, awesome casts and crews, superb special effects and realistic take on what it means to be a superhero, a symbol of hope for the people. Until then I hope my review gives you a little bit of an insight as to why I think this title is the fitting end for this trilogy. We shall now wait for another hit, Man of Steel.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Sisworo Gautama Putra - (1982) Pengabdi Setan [Review]

Here's a review I made for Pengabdi Setan; an Indonesian horror film produced in 1982. The title of my review as it appears on imdb website is 'Forces of Satan's Storms'.

This is a film that signifies the horror cinema of Indonesia; it's cheap, it's cliché, it's scary, great fun.

A lot of people don't understand how his mother is resurrected in a form of ghost; in the opening scene where a funeral is held, you see the main antagonist standing amongst the mourning crowd. Therefore it is implied that she is the one responsible for bringing Tommy's mother back to life. Of course she does.

The slightly affluent family is shown to have lost touch with their religious beliefs, especially the father who arrogantly dismisses the advice from an ustaz. Their caretaker Pak Karto tries to remind them to pray constantly and read the Al Quran. This too is ignored. It doesn't help with the fact that Tommy begins to delve in black magic after he is influenced by a fortune teller (yes, Darmina). Karto discovers an altar of madness in Darmina's room and he is then killed off screen, apparently by Darmina satanic forces (some believe Karto committed suicide). Tommy's sister Rina is hopeful that her boyfriend Herman will hire a witchdoctor to get rid of demonic entities that are haunting their house. Herman later dies from a freak accident. Somehow, the zombified Herman now returns to give Rina another visit from beyond, which scares the daylight out of her. She asks her father to seek help from a shaman to perform a ritual cleansing of the house. The witchdoctor doesn't seem to survive the encounter. After witnessing his mother rise from the grave, Tommy tries to convince his father and Rina that Darmina is evil. After the family comes under siege by the zombie trinity, they eventually realised that it's their fault for not being Muslims enough. An ustaz and his followers immediately come to the rescue (strange though; how do they know what's happening inside the house?). Eventually, Darmina is set ablaze and the family is now born again Muslims.

If one is to observe the storyline from an Islamic perspective, it actually has some good message behind it. For long Indonesian films have been using elements of Hinduism and Christianity to exemplify the battle between good and evil. This goes on to show Indonesia's multi religious community and that evil does not restrict itself to one belief system. Verses recited by the ustaz are of course taken from the Quran, both in the original Arabic language and Bahasa Indonesia; a reminder for us to not follow in the footsteps of syaitan (also called Iblis) for he is the arch enemy of humanity. Sisworo cleverly depicts the family as neglecting their religious duties, such as Rina's going to discotheque just days after her mother's death. Darmina also musingly explains that we (Satan and demons) are ubiquitous as long as Islam is not actually practiced.

Perhaps one of the scariest moments in this film, for me, is always the first scene where Mawarti pays her son a visit at night. This makes classic Indonesian horror film a winner compare to any other cinema in the region. There is only one movie from Malaysia that can rival all the Indonesian horror titles; it is called 'Dendam Perawan Bunting' (Revenge of the Pregnant Virgin). The latter is no longer in print and nobody seems to have a physical copy of it, let alone watched the whole film when it first came out in 1989.

Back to Pengabdi Setan, it's hard to ignore Mawarti (the mother) ghostly whispering voices calling for Tommy; that alone is enough to send shivers down the spine. Whereas the zombie Herman and Karto are somewhat worthy of praise; they are also managed to maintain the devilish expression throughout the entire time which is a plus. It's just that I find it absolutely hilarious when fanged Herman first appears on screen; he looks ridiculous, as if he was sticking out two pieces of Twisties from his mouth. Talking about gore, I think this film has none, other than exposed bones and rotten meat. If you're looking for something gory, check out Bisikan Arwah (Whisper of the Dead), another Indonesian cult horror from 1988. That is, if you can actually get a copy of it.

In short, this is a mildly scary flick with average but praiseworthy acting, good makeup and, some laughable moments with overall positive message. At least this film doesn't rely on cheap-Brazzers-wannabe-sex-scene to get the audience attention, like what most nowadays titles. A good flavoured film I must say. Easy to understand (if you know Malay or Bahasa Indonesia). I'll probably be watching this again while eating spaghetti. A memorable classic!

Israeli Rhetoric of Nation Building vs The Explosive Reality

Wow I should say that Abby really hit the nerve of Spokesman of Israeli Prime Minister, Alex Selsky. Watch the following video.

Resurrection of Daemon (Brunei)

Daemon, formerly known as Daredevil, have confirmed indirectly that they will be resurrected from the ashes of black and death metal scene they once helped to forge in 1988. If they do, they may be the first old school metal band to have done so in decades.

First rumor appeared in Alam Kiamat Zine penned by Nonx (Betara Pendita) who is also a drummer for Brunei's death metal legend Grotesque. In the 3rd edition of Alam Kiamat published on July 2006, page 5; Daemon were rumored to have reunited and they did rehearse a couple of songs. In 2012, the band indirectly confirmed this when Muzik Box Productions have agreed to reissue their old demos while releasing their new materials.

This is nonetheless a great news for many a fan of underground metal, particularly those like myself who really want to learn the history of metal both foreign and domestic. Daemon, along with Inferior and Evilorator are some of the names that reverberated within Brunei underground metal scene. I can't wait to have the reissues of their early demos that are long out of print.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

AGLAOPHOTIS Page Was Successfully Setup

In our attempt to step up the effort in launching mass terrorism, a recently created page dedicated to our militant establishment is now up and running. Through this page, we will post news and announcements about Aglaophotis. We have been waiting for four years since 2008, to produce weapons of mass destruction that will flatten your head and render your nations inhabitable.

Also, Terkutuk Segala Qhaaffirr is now the official member of Aglaophotis. He will then undergo basic drumming exercises while the existing duo manufacture their weapons. Terkutuk has generously offered to fund Aglaophotis debut terror attack in the coming anno 2013. Negotiation is yet to take place since each militant member is busy with their commitments.

Aglaophotis described their music as 'militant blackened death metal'. They are rivaled by another faction known as Ormentzera. Terkutuk was the military strategic adviser for Ormentzera prior to the recording session. He has since defected from the movement and now, Terkutuk is the new defense secretary of Aglaophotis. This defection is motivated by the diplomatic ties between Ares and Terkutuk that dated back to pre-Aglaophotis era; Dark Verministry. Our new fighter is a right wing extremist who is a strong advocate for national socialism. However, we as a band neither agree nor disagree with his beliefs.

Aglaophotis official Facebook:

Crime Time: Revelation?

Last night we received the news of five most wanted fugitives on the run in Brunei. I managed to ask the legitimacy of this nation-wide manhunt; what causes them to be hot on the crosshairs of local law enforcement agency, namely Royal Brunei Police Force. An agent working on the inside has relayed some information that I find quite hard to believe.

The agent working for the force says that five most wanted are not actually wanted at all; friends of theirs took photographs of them as part of a hoax. It is intended, according to the anonymous agent, to make the five looks as if they are actually criminals on the run. Therefore, Royal Brunei Police Force are actually not looking for these five individuals but instead they are searching for the people responsible for staging the hoax at the first place. For all intent and purposes, all five of them have not been charged with any crime.

How far does the truth go? We cannot know for sure. However, the constant press censorship has prevented the public from learning the truth. This agent that I spoke to has been with the force for a decade and as such, his credibility is somewhat significant. On the other hand, people have speculated that the state-wide roadblocks are set up to capture the supposed crime doers. The agent claims that such speculations are baseless plain and simple.

So, what is really going on? Is the story a cover up for a much larger conspiracy? Or is it just another pacification to silence the curious minds? Whatever the speculation is, one thing remains clear that these five individuals have earned themselves some national fame. People talk about them on social media, particularly on Facebook where discussions are often interspersed with contemptuous remarks, sheer ignorance, or simply self-righteous statements to prove who knows what and who knows who.



Royal Brunei Police Force is requesting the public assistance on information leading to capture of five fugitives wanted in a murder case that is currently under investigation.

According to a statement issued by the force, three of them have been identified as MUHAMMAD SYAWALRI BIN SUHAILI a.k.a. Adul (20), MOHAMAD ADI MAZLI BIN HAJI MAJIN a.k.a. Adi (23), and NURUL FURQAN BIN AWANG MORSHIDI (22); all of whom are residents of Kampung Sungai Siamas.

Mugshots Pair 1
Mugshots Pair 2
The only released photo of the fifth fugitive, possibly taken with a cellphone.
Individuals having information on the whereabouts of these criminals can contact Kampung Ayer Criminal Investigation Officer at 2202114, or the emergency hotline 993 or any nearby police stations. At the same time, local authorities are also requesting the public to provide information in search of two more suspects following a report filed at Berakas Police Precinct.

Despite the obscure nature of the crime allegedly committed by these five young men, it is nevertheless an alarming wake up call to many Bruneians who are still disillusioned by the so called 'Abode of Peace'. In fact, the numbers of native citizens involved in dangerous crimes are staggeringly increasing and as such, people should be more aware of the pressing issues that motivate ordinary populace to turn to crime as their last ditch effort in exercising immediate, unrestrained self gratification. Carjacking, thefts, rape, house invasion, stabbing, prostitution; all these have become more common among the locals than they do with immigrants. Before, we often blame the Indonesians, or Indian workers and Filipinos for violent crimes. However, due to continuous press censorship and media blackout by the government, criminal activities perpetrated by Bruneians remain under-reported. This in turn has led to all the more common speculations being made among the public through social media, most notably on pages setup by local Facebook consumers such as CCPB (Cerita Cerita Panas Brunei), Brunei FM and BruDirect. Apart from making wild accusations in absence of concrete evidence, majority of local Facebook users (or Bruneians for that matter) tend to be reactionary instead of using a bit of critical thinking; this includes blaming local law enforcement agencies for the incompetence and perceived cowardice in the guise of uniform. More often than not, comments deriding the authorities quickly spread like bushfire especially among those who are hell bent on breaking the law. It is also interesting to note that these type of people have clearly shown who they really are; stupid, unintelligent and disgusting from every aspect imaginable thus making them no less malicious than the criminals in question. It is this fact that worries me a lot as Bruneian although I know not all of them are like that. However, the comments posted by those type of people tend to say otherwise.

Photos courtesy of CCPB. Enlarged, cropped and edited by me.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012


Hello everyone!

I haven't checked this blog for weeks. There are things that keep me occupied throughout my absence. They're not particularly important but regular chores and all. So a person leaves a comment here on the post below and says Mediafire has blocked access to files that I have uploaded. So yeah I did check my account and it says that I have now reached the maximum number of archives upload allowed for a free account. As you all know, I can't afford to get me the premium deal since I have no means to make the purchase.

In this case, it looks like all uploading activity will be suspended until this issue is resolved. I would like to thank everyone, everyone who has been following this blog and downloading stuffs that I generously shared with you lot. As a matter of fact, this blog is not just about music and entertainment; it is also my personal field of expression. Therefore, I'm just going to focus on posting random topics which might interest you people. Or basically anyone who happens to land here.

Again, I am deeply sorry for this inconvenience. In this world, nothing comes for free; you and I both know that. Demon Entrails may be the last upload I'll ever do for now.
