Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Gathering - (1999) How to Measure a Planet? [Dual Disc Edition]

You ask me how to measure this and that but The Gathering have something completely different in mind; How to Measure a Planet? is the most progressive and experimental question that the band have tried to answer. And yes their answer to that is this album. Picking up the remnants of where Mandylion and Nighttime Birds left, The Gathering paved a whole new avenue that takes their journey into the outer space. It breaks new ground for the band's career; gone are the double bass drums that once heard on Mandylion. Stripping themselves from more primitive, or perhaps conservative metal vicinity, How to Measure a Planet brings about great surprises for the uninitiated. Old fans would feel awkward toward this release. However, this depends on what type of fans are you talking to.

Side I:

1. Frail (You Might as Well Be Me) 5:06
2. Great Ocean Road 6:21
3. Rescue Me 6:24
4. My Electricity 3:34
5. Liberty Bell 6:03
6. Red is a Slow Colour 6:28
7. The Big Sleep 5:03
8. Marooned 5:55
9. Travel 9:08

Total time: 54:02

Side II:

1. South American Ghost Ride 4:27
2. Illuminating 5:43
3. Locked Away 3:25
4. Probably Built in the Fifties 7:28
5. How to Measure a Planet? 28:31

Total time: 49:34
Duration: 1:43:36

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