Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ormentzera - (2010) Betray [Single]

Dark Verministry are now a history. Its later form of rebirth 'Aglaophotis' is yet to produce any material to prove the moniker's worthy of existence. With members splintering between themselves, the future of Aglaophotis remains uncertain. Ail, former lead axeman of Dark Verministry is now reported to have 'retired' from everything metal. Clearly, his post - Verministry era has brought significant changes to how he sees things and how these things would later be an integral part to his life. Although some have argued over the impossibility of calling it quits from metal, Ail will say otherwise. Arif will also agree to this, with acquaintances citing him as slowly moving away from what once was his first and foremost forte in life. He begins to sell off his metal cassettes and paraphernalia to associates. Buie on the other hand is still struggling along the line of being the most hated person in Borneo. Believe it or not, this sad fact emerges not only from within this part of the country but people seem to have vehement enmity against him which has reached as far as Miri. His best comrade Han tends to stay away from getting caught up in the maelstrom of animosity perpetrated by hatred of men. Still, Han himself was once guilty of deserting his childhood colleague Ail when he chose metal over their friendship. This highly brisant situation has led people to hold grudge against the duo. Priority target is still focused on Buie while Han acts as ambassador who will try to the best of his ability to rectify any sticky situation between his trouble - ridden friend and people he comes in contact with.

Earlier on this blog, there is a mention of Ormentzera. This project features the former bassist of Dark Verministry by the name Arif, who by now is busy pursuing his university degree in science. During one fateful meeting, Arif has approached Han to send a new single that they have recently recorded called 'Betray'. The details of the recording are still obscure with much of the information has been withheld by Arif. According to Han, Arif takes over the vocal slot while playing bass. It is said that he ate some chocolate to achieve the desired vocal style. Going down to song analysis, Han personally feels that the song is given to him with some clandestine purpose. He believes by giving the song to Han, Arif may as well have partially exacted revenge unto Aglaophotis who as of date are still struggling to put out a solid record. Arif may also act on Ail's behalf, who Han believes the song serves as a huge slap in the face for what they did in the past to them (Arif and Ail). However, Han later dismisses this as nothing more than unconfirmed suspicion since he personally believes that whatever it was that happened between the four of them is now over and done with.

The song itself is a decent piece of melodic black metal with flowing solos and Senjakala - esque riffing. The guitars sound too asphyxiated to even be highlighted here. However, Ormentzera compensated this particular drawback with clear projection of drums and lead solos. At one time it can get quite annoying to hear the hi - hat; it's way too much for what this song actually is as if one is listening to a techno slab at auto show. Arif vocals are worthy of praise though. It's amazing that he can pull off a decent performance on this single. Surely he has quite a potential to become the next Draconaeon. As a side note, the latter is due to release their debut full length In Silence Mournful on a date yet to be announced. Again, the lyric to this song is something for Aglaophotis to think about, sit back and contemplate. The title itself says it all. What is this? Some kind of insinuation? It better be.

Overall a decent track with some enjoyable moments. This acts as a wake up call for Aglaophotis who is far left behind on every aspect. However, the brainchild behind said entity Han will never say die. In times to come, they too will release quite a handful of materials. Han has already envisioned the kind of music that Aglaophotis are set to deliver. With Ormentzera promulgating themselves as being successful in the forefront, there is nothing that their arch nemesis cannot do in the future.

Track list:

1. Betray 4:45

Total time: 04:45

Technical information: .flac [lossless] / 24 bit / 44 kHz / 48.26 Mb


  1. Who wrote the song?

  2. It is not known who actually wrote this song. Even the details about band members are quite obscure with an exception of Arif

  3. "The vocals are done by Arif ex bassist of Dark Verministry (later changed name to Aglaophotis). The lyrics may as well reflect the personal conflict that has plagued Dark Verministry prior to its eventual demise somewhere in 2009."

    You got it all wrong, dude. By the way, it's funny that you always seem to have the need to mentioned DARK VERMINISTRY whenever you talked about ORMENTZERA.
