Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Impiety - (1996) Asateerul Awaleen

The first full length debut from Singapore's most prolific anti - religious - goat - barbaric entity mighty Impiety. After releasing at least three demos (one which existence remained hazy to this day) and one EP, Shyaithan and his fellow barbarians moved forward to record their debut Asateerul Awaleen. The Arabic title has left many to speculate that it actually refers to pre - Islamic tales, a reference to jahiliyah era (the age of sheer ignorance according to the history of Arab) which can also be found from a passage in Holy Quran. However, let not the title fool you; this album does not praise religion but a complete decimation of the latter and total praise to horned Master of Eternal Fire. Being brave enough to adopt the most vilified pseudonym in the history of Southeast Asian black metal, Shyaithan (born Muhammad Khairul Ariffeen Deen) together with his team of sworn blasphemers managed to put out one of the best underground records to ever come out from this region. The riffs are completely amazing and ritualistic, evident of rich traditional touch that greatly differs from their contemporaries such as As Sahar and most Norwegian imitators. The studio trick may have done a good job at rendering Shyaithan's vocal totally demonic and possessed. He sounds a lot like the devil himself. The production is quite tinny and as such has made the guitar sounds akin to a bee buzzing around your head. Only this time it is far more crystal clear and vibrant. Luckily, the album allows sufficient room for Leprophiliac Rex to contribute his resonating bass lines and they actually stand out from start to finish. Another amazing aspect of this atheistically Satanic masterpiece is the drums played by Iblyss. He knows how to fill in the gaps with awesome cymbals work, accurate mid paced blast beats and even simplistic yet effective double bass attack as exemplified in Anal - Madonna and Divine Hutamahan Frostfuck (way for a title). Especially on the latter, he alternates between ride, crash and bell with unthinkable perfection. This adds even more wider spectrum of marksmanship for Impiety as a whole. Furthermore, the third track is known for its creative use of acoustic guitar strumming which is highly surprising yet enjoyable because it does fit with the song. A re-recorded version of Magick - Consecration Goatsodomy also made its appearance on this album among others. The only difference here is Shyaithan vocal in which he no longer employs throaty growls reminiscent of Beherit, Archgoat and Blasphemy. Instead, he eschew the aforementioned style and replaced it with a pair of lungs borrowed from Lucifer himself. No kidding.

Track list:

1. Intromancy: Dzuul Ar'Shil Jaheem 1:59
2. Anal - Madonna 6:36
3. Divine Hutamahan Frostfuck 6:48
4. Hymnvocation of Nazarethian Nunwhores 7:19
5. Magick - Consecration Goatsodomy 5:23
6. Ceremonial Necrochrist Redesecration 3:27
7. Bismishyaithan 6:13
8. Blasphemyth... The Seventh Goatspawn 1:36

Total time: 39:21

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