Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Maria - (2005) Bisik Hati [Album Version Single]

This is perhaps somewhat different from what have long been posted on this blog. Yes. This blog is about everything music in its absolute rarity. Shown here is Maria (born Meria Aires). A very well known singer from Brunei Darussalam, she initially does not intend to make a career out of singing but has somehow able to top the poor music industry over here.

On to the music: The song starts off with syrupy acoustic intro which becomes the main driving force. Her vocals do not have much variation other than hitting quasi - high notes with full passion. Yet, they are as beautiful as the person herself. She has lungs specially designed for pop and soft rock which surprisingly worked very well on this track. It is this fact that sets her apart from other Gaga or Siti Nurhaliza wannabe whose English is all over the place. Again, nothing special. It's just the same thing we've heard a hundred thousand of times before. Nevertheless, the music is catchy with tunes that are easily memorable they stick to the back of your mind. The drums are something that superficial listeners may pass on, but they are strong and thoroughly projected although at times one can notice they are just random fills.Yes. Random is the word. They are good but seemed to clutter all over the place unnecessarily. Evident that of the song being constructed without proper song writing techniques. It follows the overall pattern of pop rock song which appeals to those who readily thrived on mainstream current, but may not mean anything for the crust - of - the - Earth dwellers. All in all an interesting listen and significantly memorable at that.


1. Bisik Hati [Album Version] 4:37

Total time: 04:37

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