Monday, August 27, 2012

Hussein Abu Hassan - (1991) Kanta Serigala [YouTube Premier]

I couldn't find Dendam Perawan Bunting anywhere. To compensate for my throbbing heartache and gravely despair, I decided to buy this film on VCD instead. This is not downloadable since I only upload the film in parts to YouTube. Pretty much a so and so thriller flick with some nice memorable moments. Hope you enjoy watching it!

Part 1

The film features an ensemble cast, a lot of whom are already well known within Malaysian entertainment industry such as Didie Alias, Faizal Hussein, Kuswadinata and Rosyam Nor. It is directed by Hussein Abu Hassan who also makes a cameo appearance as the Assistant Superintendent. Perhaps I can safely say that Kanta Serigala is probably one of  the first modern crime / thriller movies that will soon be explored further by Malaysian film makers. While having some meaty substance to its story line, the dialogue is somewhat mediocre at best and features numerous repetitive lines as well as abrupt interjections. Nevertheless, it's a good watch for an old film.

Part 2

Simply, the premise follows Zarul a.k.a. Abang Aji (played by Faizal Hussein) who is mentally unstable but has a very soft spot for his little sister, Shakira (played by Melissa Saila). Shakira wanted to become a famous rock singer like her idol Dania (Didie Alias). This film uses a handful of flashback scenes to keep you informed of what causes Zarul to become a murderer. He is also shown to be fond of venomous snakes, particularly a cobra that he calls Awang.

Part 3

Don't want to reveal too much. You got to see for yourself. I can say that Zarul character is one that the audience can sympathise with; driven by the need to account those responsible for Shakira's ultimate demise where justice does not always prevail.

Part 4

Don't you just love how the final cut looks like? Its richness in vintage graininess with sub par audio quality has made 90s films last longer in my memory. Plus, some of them are just so bad it's good. Have you heard such a phrase? I think  Kanta Serigala fits the description very well. Not a record breaking, but still better than lots of titles released on the Malaysian cinema's nowadays.

Part 5

I noticed that some parts got cut out or censored. This includes the scene where Zarul knocks out Dania with a cloth of chloroform. The murder scene of Constable Halim is also missing, trimming the film short on its overall running time. One thing about Southeast Asian media corporations is that they tend to ignore the fact that people will always be looking for old films the way they were meant to be shown; uncut and uncensored. To make matters worse, media executives do nothing to restore all the classic cult films for public viewing. Whatever it is that comes from the 80s or the 90s, they just leave it like that with no effort to preserve the films deemed culturally significant regardless of popularity. Yes. People from the West or Europe, the cinemas here sucked dick! People only watch the new shits and they don't even appreciate the old ones when in fact, film like Kanta Serigala, Dendam Perawan Bunting and any other old school titles fared better in terms of horror and story telling. Fuck!

Part 6

Zarul reaches the end of the line. Dania learns the truth behind her kidnapping. A boyfriend tries to save the day. Local authority that is all the more efficient at carrying their job. What's not to love? Ha ha

Part 7

There is no going back for Zarul. The final stop is just around the corner. The rain makes for intense suspense. Police is now closing in on the suspect. Nowhere to run. No one to turn to. Zarul's love for Shakira might as well be washed away by the falling rain.

Part 8 / The End

People! What will happen to a bad guy in a movie? Yes. I guess you already know the answer. Dania walks away with the rain still falling, leaving behind whatever secrets that have somehow got her entangled in chaos.  Her boyfriend is left clueless. Concludes now the tale of the grand sorrow. Pitiful villain, innocence with a heart so pure, a family ties now severed and buried, Kanta Serigala calls it a night.

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