Friday, January 06, 2012

Paysage d' Hiver - (1998) Schattengang [.flac]

Switzerland was one of the countries in Europe that helped to pave a path for extreme metal movement during the early 80s. Beginning with Hellhammer who later evolved into the ever influential Celtic Frost, metal got so extreme over the years with new bands either trying to replicate or redefine the sound of what once was. With black metal on the rise, the plague spread throughout the European continent. The epidemic soon began to sweep the entire world. One of the bands that had been infected with the virus was Paysage d' Hiver; a solo black metal / ambient project of Wintherr who would also create another side project by the name Darkspace. The version that I have here is the 2006 A5 digibook reissue with only three songs, whereas the original tape has four tracks altogether thus bringing the total duration close to 56 minutes. The fourth track has been omitted from the CD reissue because according to Kunsthall Productions, the song does not fit into the overall concept of Schattengang (meaning 'shade course') that its presence is merely to fill in the remaining space so the tape will not go to waste. This demo contains chilling atmosphere, a cold feeling that comes from the frozen plains of nothingness. Instrumentation is somewhat a cross between so-bad-it's-good and great in entirety. Well, what do you expect, black metal demo of this sort rarely has a polished production quality. That is where the spirit lies, the essence that makes this release a noteworthy symbol of Wintherr creativity as a musician and artist.

Track List:

1. Moloch 14:00
2. Die Zeit des Torremond 20:48
3. Atmosphaere 6:48

Total Time: 41:36

Format: .flac
Quality: Lossless
Average Bitrate: 526 Kbps
Sampling Rate: 44 kHz
Channel: Stereo
Bit Depth: 16
Size: 204 Mb (Un-RAR)

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