Sunday, January 01, 2012

Infernal Execrator - (2008) Antichrist Execration [.flac]

With Antichristo Xul (of Istidraj and Balberith fame) as ritual bassbaptistor, Christslaughter on forni - sado - cation goatbattery and Lord Ashir (also from Istidraj) handling both 6 flame - stringed necroharp and imperial goatvomit, Infernal Execrator are a band that one should seriously check out. This EP of theirs is the first to materialise, featuring 5 original tracks and a merciless cover of Impiety's Sodomythical Frostgoats. What can be said about this excellent piece of art is that the music has so much to offer than just mundane, half - an - hour - long blastfest. Tremolo picking is utilised with absolute precision, evoking an overall eerie reverberation from the very depths of Hell itself. No senseless screams, no fillers and no useless intros; Infernal Execrator executed their most extreme embodiment of destruction of all things holy and religious. While they managed to retain originality in terms of songwriting, one may as be able to hear, among others, Vargsang, Angelcorpse, Satanic Warmaster (this concerns the melody), and Inquisitors of Satan era Deathspell Omega to some extent. There is no doubt that this band is a next big thing, a strong reminder that Singapore made great extreme metal bands from the very beginning!

Track List:

1. Massacre of the Evangelists
2. Antichrist Execration 4:49
3. Armageddon Bestial Battle 3:19
4. Final Blasphemy (Ultimate Irreverent) 3:51
5. Pure Genocidal Apocalypse 3:21
6. Sodomythical Frostgoats (Impiety Cover) 5:19

Total Time: 23:54

Format: .flac
Quality: Lossless
Bitrate: 1020 Kbps
Frequency Rate: 44 kHz
Bit Depth: 16
Channel: Stereo
Size: 183 Mb
Password: manifestationovevil

Download Antichrist Execration

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