Tuesday, September 18, 2012

2012 Bruneian Lady Webcam Controversy

Okay ladies and gentlemen. I have something for you that is entirely different and equally offensive. A friend of mine just informed me about this story in particular; a local young girl is reportedly sent to Al Islah Rehabilitation Center for violating the obscenity laws. What did she do exactly? Scroll down, dear readers.

No additional information is available as of now. It is understood that the girl has 'touched' herself and recorded the act using her laptop's webcam. Below is the screen caps from her now highly sought after video. ATTENTION: VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED.

Apparently she must have lost it, knowing that such solo performance will definitely gain attention nationwide. Too bad, she is a good looking girl but her decision to commit such over - the - top activity will only ruin her reputation. At least, she is arguably high on 'To be Fucked' list among local men. Thing is, it is nonetheless disappointing to see our pretty local girls go wasted. Okay, I am a normal guy but in no way I am a penis man. Read on so you will be able to understand. The explanation is right under your nose and it's just one click away.

Hope you've shaved your pits, girl!
Eye candy it is. Sure. For how long women are going to be seen in this way when they themselves are not really helping to fix the situation? I don't blame them; girls and boys are the same. However, us guys have been predisposed to prey upon the weaker sex just for the hell of it. I hope no other girls, at least Bruneians, who will follow in her footstep. It's not worth it to have your naked videos and photos leaked all over the internet. That is definitely digging your own grave, trust me. No further images will be shown here. If you penises out there are boned enough to watch the entire video, there's a link below. This post will stay on this blog depending on the circumstances. I am looking forward to removing this single, most offensive content from MoE (not the MoE as in Ministry of Education; it's this blog). So ladies, please protect your dignity. You can't rely on men, believed me. Good guys are diminishing from this cursed Earth. Get married early!

UPDATE: According to an informant, this girl goes to Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al Muhtadee Billah high school. A native of Kampong Subok, Bandar Seri Begawan, she is also known to be a dancer.

Size: 150 Mb
Container: .m2ts 
Video Codec: h.264 MPEG-4 (Part 10)
Audio: Dolby® Digital AC-3 Stereo
Audio Bitrate: 256 Kbps
Dimensions: 1920x1080p
Running Time: 02:17
Sample Rate: 48 kHz
Subtitle: Not Available
Recommended Software for Watching: Windows Media Player 12 & VLC Media Player
Password: manifestationovevi



  1. password not working

  2. no more file in the mediafire bro..
    pls upload another one bro..

  3. please reupload

    1. Sorry everyone! I was busy lately. This is my first time returning to check on this blog. Alas, I lost the original video footage already =/ I'm really sorry. Damn I should have made a copy.

    2. what the password

  4. arah password, tambah l ujungnya

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. whats the password?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. what the password????

  8. actualy, kau dah bukak aib orang lain. kalau budak perempuan ni buat dosa.. kau pun dapat dosa.

  9. kwn skampung, kwn skulah dlu kala nya. untk apa bnrnya blog ani? konon pemeduli. padahal mbuka aib🥱😂
