Thursday, September 12, 2013

Secrets of the Black Sites

Hello guys! Got something not so interesting to show you people. Last week, I was messing with Google maps in search of the infamous haunted house in Jangsak area. VVhile I did come across something that I strongly suspected to be the notorious mansion, suddenly I had this urge to look into some of the allegedly classified areas surrounding the Jerudong Park Playground.

Rumor has it that Prince Jeffri, the brother of Hassanal Bolkiah (our current Sultan) wanted to develop the entire Jerudong area by establishing various exclusive clubs and resorts that will stretch up to Tungku McFarm. However, the plans did not fully materialise after Jeffri was caught up in years-long feud with state officials, particularly his brother Hassanal Bolkiah and Pehin Aziz due to blatant financial mismanagement and various funds-related debacle that not only terminate the plan before it even began, but brought down the Jerudong Park Playground from its once exalted status. Read the rest of the revelation here.

Anyway, majority of these places can be very interesting to look at. Some came adorned completely with modern and sophisticated architecture while others you may not even realise they do exist. Take a look.

Surrounded by trees, this small network of houses sure look creepy on the ground.
The first photo is taken from one of many large mansions located along the road in Simpang 265, otherwise known as Taman Metutia in Jerudong. The place is known for its absolute quietude and seemingly lifeless facade that is not conducive to social life. However, this satelite photo reveals a rather interesting feature hidden from plain views; the road leading into the mansion is surrounded by a small body of water on either side. Apparently this compound is owned by some filthy rich family, most probably connected with the royal's. I believe that the other four separate structures are specifically built to house the domestic servants that, due to the strictly guarded nature of this ground, will not be able to leave the place at their own free will.

Still at Simpang 265, notice the huge lake that separates the two massive compunds.

VVhen you look at the second photo, two significant structures are separated by a huge lake. The white building on the lower right of the screen has one way acess to the main road but it is quite possible that occupants from either houses can visit each other via the lake using water borne transportation. The lake may also serve another purpose; if these people are somehow linked to the royalty who by now are notorious for their depravity, anyone working with them and has the potential to blow the whistle, the lake might be a good place to dump the person. VVho knows right? Although it's just a theory, it's too convenient that nobody knows shit about what these people are up to in that kind of clandestine environment.

Another similar structure with a lake behind it. This time, it comes with a helipad!
 These people surely have a thing for a body of water. The third picture above clearly shows a winding road that leads up to a helipad as a quick getaway in case the people in this country start to revolt. Or, the same helipad may be used to land some hot chicks of different races and sizes. One thing about royal family, the men have insatiable lust that even a thousand whores of Bethlehem won't be able to satisfy their bestial desires of God knows what they are capable of. You know, wealthy people can do anything with their money; they can make you or break you and they can make you disappear if you go against their will. Hence the lake. VVho knows, right? On the other hand, the mansion has elaborate structures nearby. Obviously, when I drove past this area, I couldn't see shit except for the iron gates and a security guard.

By the Jerudong waters, a big ass residence can be seen here sandwiched by thick forests. How can they live in a place like this??
Moving on to the upper Jerudong - Tutong area, the photo above shows a rather hidden man-made structures that I have never seen before in my life. Thanks to Google maps, this is now made possible with its aerial views capability that uncovered places that they don't want us to see. VVho are the people living in these type of places no longer become the main question, but rather what they are doing by living in such a lavishly designed architecture. But yeah, they must have everything inside so much that they need not to go outside unless for some ceremonial occassions that warrant their presence. Some people say this place is just another extension of Jerudong Park Hotel, now known as The Empire Hotel and Country Club. Then again, we don't know what the real stories are.

So private that a lot of people don't know it exists at the first place.
Most of the buildings around the Jerudong beach are nonetheless intriguing. This is simply because little to nothing is known about those areas. People often simply refer to these places as related to the royalty. That alone is undoubtedly true though. These architectures shared some of the common features such as hidden from plain view and surrounded by thick forests. Most of them have swimming pools and elaborate patio, garden, or are built close to a body of water such as lakes or sea. Some theorised that such deliberately hidden structures are specifically constructed to confuse and discourage curious souls from breaching into the perimeter and disclosing the activities within the compound to the outside world. It is possible that the occupants have their own escape route that is not shown on the images above, save for the visible helipad. In the end, anything can happen in such a huge compound.

VVell, that's it for now. I'll continue next time with some more interesting photos of these clandestine houses.