Saturday, October 27, 2012

Wartillery - (2010) Your War Sucks without Artillery [320]

Just to let you know that I'm currently digging this stuff. Quite decent thrash / crossover band from Brunei Darussalam. However, I need to have a few more listens before the verdict can be delivered. Formed somewhere on 2008, band members were influenced by thrash metal music after apparently playing Guitar Hero in which they were exposed to songs from Slayer and Metallica (duh!). So if you want to know what they sound like, try downloading the demo here. Of course, the physical release is no longer available.


1. Distorted Vision 4:46
2. Unleashing the Pain 3:47
3. Speed Assault 4:10
4. Metal Surgery 1:14
5. Die Harder! 2:37

Total time: 16:34

Format: .mp3
Quality: Lossy
Bitrate: 320 Kbps (CBR)
Frequency Rate: 44 kHz
Bit Depth: 16
Channel: Joint Stereo
Encoder Delay: Present
Zero Padding: Present
Size: 38.7 Mb
Password: manifestationovevil

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ilmu Hitam dan Sihir di Brunei Darussalam

The title says it all. This time I'm doing a video mainly in Malay since I'm talking about an issue that is all the more familiar to most Malay people in this country. Just watch the video, it's short by the way. Leave a comment or two if you have something to share, alright? Remain anonymous when discussing sensitive issues over the internet.

Thanks for watching!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Emperor's Return

Hello there people! It's been a while since I left you with my review for the new Resident Evil film. I was busy handling my YouTube channel, creating a few videos for public viewing. As for now, there are no files to share but I want to share something else with you.

It's always been the most common thing to have in Brunei if people know that you're a metalhead. We have to be resistant enough to counter people's allegations and shittalk. Therefore my videos on YouTube are specifically created to address several issues that people been putting on the table ever since they know how to pronounce the word 'metal'. This includes but are not limited to the following; if you listen to metal then you're Satanist. You love violence and you are mentally disturbed individuals. You hate everyone in this world. You're stupid and uneducated. You've no boyfriend or girlfriend. Metal music sounds the same regardless the fact whether or not they can tell which is metal and which is not. So on and so forth, right? Now I know my point of view and my opinion leaned more toward metal, well, I mean, what do you expect, I'm a metalhead and of course I've got my own reasons to say that there are good things in metal too. Basically, it's a clear mixture of facts and personal opinion. For me, if I like something, in this case it's metal music, I will be able to stand up for it in defense of my interests while providing some facts for people who say metal is bad, totally bad.

That's the thing, people. Being a metalhead is not because your friend want you to. Not because of trends. Not because of the fashion or how cool people will think when they look at you. Or you claimed to listen to metal just so people will see you as someone who is 'tough'. Well, I've come across people like these throughout my life and they are mostly youths and teenagers. They faked their interests in metal because they like to be surrounded by like minded people, in other word, these kids craved attention since probably their parents can't provide them some. I've met with them and I've talked to these people and 90% of the time, they didn't know shit about metal. They wear t-shirts that even I find it hard believe, but they only understand 0.01% of what they are wearing. I'm telling you, if this is the kind of so called metal fans that will replace the veterans, our country is surely going to rife with fucking poseurs. Believe me. It's happening right now, at the Mall Gadong as we speak.

If you're reading this so far down now, bear with me because what I'm about to say is one of the most bitter truths, the one that exposes the true nature of poseur kids in Brunei Darussalam. The impetus to this whole metal 'explosion' took place about 8 years ago when I was in my secondary school. It was when Cradle of Filth released their dickskin of an album called 'Nymphetamine' that kids began to know black metal in Brunei. Don't lie to me if you're one of them! Where do they got this album from? That's right, Indian shop. I went to a small store run by Indian and I saw two or three copies of awfully bootlegged Nymphetamine record resting comfortably on the shelf along with some other Bollywood films. I think that album gets what it deserved. From that point onwards, kids began to explore black metal and so they got hooked with Dimmu Borgir through their shitty album 'Death Cunt Armageddon'. Fuck it, everything after Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is bullshit. I won't lie to you people that during my secondary years, I was the sole perpetrator responsible for bringing extreme metal to school and my friends didn't know shit other than Guns n Roses, Metallica, Nirvana and XPDC. Not that I have anything against those bands because I personally liked their older stuffs (a big DUH!! right). While I've always been honest when it comes to listening music other than metal, these kids put up front that they're a fist in your face type of fans, claiming other music as not true and that everything other than metal is poseur. Well, are you talking about yourselves?

That's the point, this new generation of kids are most of the time dishonest to begin with. They want to be seen as someone who is almighty knowing about metal that people refer to them as the authority. In reality, they could hardly finish schools. One of the most funny things that we have ever encountered is they don't know anything about local underground metal bands. They have this very narrow minded approach and worldview about metal; they don't know shit basically. So these kids finally discovered LukTujuh. What they found strange is that LukTujuh doesn't sing about Viking. I mean, dude, what the fuck??? Don't you even fucking get it? Folk metal is influenced by the musicians native origin, in the case of LukTujuh it is Malay fantasy and mythology. Why the fuck would a folk metal Malay band sing about Viking when in reality it has nothing to do with the band identity at the first place? God this is... I don't know what to say. It's like Malay metal bands singing about Nazism, I mean if Hitler were still alive today, he would kill the rest of us Malays because we're not Aryan race. Get the picture?

So people, that's the kind of thing that's been happening with these so called young metalheads. Up to you to think about it. The last time I saw one of them, this dude was wearing a Viking helmet complete with the horns. I don't know what to say. I just leave you with the following videos. Hope you will enjoy them. Cheers!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

More parts coming up. Stay tuned!